Equine supplements are a multi billion dollar a year industry targeting "LOVE" of horse owners worldwide. Horse diets have become as confusing as a first timer making a pan of biscuits. Pinch of this, pinch of that, opps forgot the salt and bam biscuits flop and come out of the oven a disaster. Has your horse become a disaster? Horses are simple!! Diets are simple!! Basic shoeing and balancing are simple!! But we tend to get complicated. Musculoskeletal injuries are a cause for decreased performance and early retirement in the equine industry. Stem cells, through science can improve outcome following tendon (superficial digital flexor) and ligament (suspensory) injuries, decreased re-injury rate in a large series of clinical tendon injuries. The longer you wait, the less chance your horse has of returning back to competition without re-injuring themselves. Equine Regen invigorates stem cell release and mirgration, aids in cellular regeneration, powerful anti-infammatory, enhances cardiovascular and respiratory functions and provides optimal immune function. Equine Regen 100% sourced by nature, all natural. Proven by Science!!