EQUINE REGEN PLUS January 30, 2018 14:32

EQUINE REGEN PLUS ( Power of Gynostemma effectiveness on Laminitic Horses) Gynostemma is a Chinese Herb harvested from a vine that is indigenous to southern China and some other parts of south-east Asia.  A very non-toxic herb, it is used both as a natural medicine and a food source.  For laminitic horses, one effect of Gynostemma is the counter-acting of elevated levels of endothelin-1.  Endothelin-1 is a protein in the body that is an extremely potent vaso-constrictor.  Nitric oxide causes the muscles controlling the diameter of blood vessels to relax; it also helps reduce platelet aggregation inside of vessels (Figure 1) The other side of the diagram in Figure 1 shows the opposite effect of endothelin1-vascocontriction.  Gynostemma increases the production of nitric oxide by the cell that is lining the blood vessels.

Independent trial test on Gynostemma used 176 horses with laminitis, followed for periods of 3 months up to 2 ½ years. Of these 176 horses, 75% of them were painful enough to be considered to require phenylbutazone daily treatment.

Results- 109 (61.9%) returned to pasture soundness at a walk with two days to two weeks of starting the Gynostemma.

-20 (11.4%) were nonresponsive. No response was associated with poor control of the laminitis or severe demineralization of the coffin bone.

FCBR Therapy Division in a 4 year period has had great success supplementing Equine Regen Plus on navicular and laminitic horses. Every supplement requires a responsible owner that ensures proper balance of the feet giving ERP every opportunity to work to ERP’s maximum ability.  Laminitis is just one of the many health issues we have overcome with using Gynostemma. 

For more information on the uses of Equine Regen Plus and how it can complement your equine program you can view FlyingCBar.MyShopify.Com where I update testimonies and new trail test pertaining to Equine Regen Plus and those who have had great success with bleeding, tie ups, restriction of movement and cardiovascular (heart murmurs).