STEM CELLS AND AGING January 30, 2018 14:22

Stem cells have a finite life. As they age, they begin to die off, not function as well, and eventually become unable to grow and divide. This is when our tissues and organs begin to lack the new cells needed to regenerate and we begin to experience the effects of aging.

Effects of aging:

  • Bones become weaker and easier to break.
  • 5% muscle mass lost every 10 years after the age of 35.
  • Eyesight disintegration as the lens stiffens and becomes denser.
  • Diminished sense of taste, smell and hearing around 50 years of age.
  • Prone to cancer (one of the top 3 causes of death in the United States according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC Report 2011).

Most cells in the body are replaced by one cell dividing into two. These copied cells should be exact matches; however, as we get older, they don’t always reproduce so accurately. The DNA in the cell, the “genetic” instruction book, is in two pieces. To form a new cell, the two pieces separate and then adds a new side to each strand of DNA; thus leaving two sets of DNA. The cell then splits with one set of DNA on each side.

At the end of each strand of DNA, a small tail called a telomere helps assure the proper replication of the DNA. As we age, and each time a cell divides, the telomere becomes shorter and shorter. The shorter it becomes the more likely the copied cell will not be correct. This is one of the main reasons we age. Our cells are simply not reproducing or working as well as needed for optimum health.

The telomeres in the primitive cells released in the blood stream by PrimiCell have been scientifically shown to be of original length; therefore, the reproduced cells are more accurate and the copied cells are more accurately copied.